Writing Tattoo

Writing Tattoo
  • Rihanna has Arabic writing on her left side. It reads “Al-Hurria fi Al-Maseeh” which means “Freedom in God.”
  • Avril Lavigne On left elbow is “Abbey Dawn,” her nickname and the name of her clothing line.
  • Olivia Wilde has a tattoo on her left forearm that says “all love, A” in a typewriter font. She writes: “It’s in honor of my late uncle Alexander Cockburn. He was a dear dear friend. The tattoo is the last phrase he wrote to me. All love, A. It reminds me to love everyone, just as he did.”
  • Miley Cyrus The long passage on Miley Cyrus’ left forearm says “so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” It comes from the Citizenship in a Republic speech given by former United States president Theodore Roosevelt in 1910. Miley’s fiancé Liam Hemsworth has the preceding line on his arm.
    The passage that this quote comes from is: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. The message of the tattoo is that it is better to try and to fail than to never try at all.
  • Katy Perry In June 2010, Katy Perry and her then-fiancé Russell Brand got matching tattoos on the inside of their right biceps. The tattoo says “Anuugacchati Pravaha” which means “Go with the flow” in Sanskrit.
  • Lana Del Rey The tattoo on the side of Lana Del Rey’s left hand says “paradise” in cursive.
  • Lana Del Rey The tattoo on Lana Del Rey’s right hand reads “trust no one.”
  • Miley Cyrus got “LOVE” tattooed on the inside of her right ear to remind her to only listen to love, and to drown out all the negativity that she hears.
  • Megan Fox Going down Megan Fox’s right side is a passage from German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It reads “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” It’s a statement to live your life without fear of judgement because your actions won’t always make sense to people who don’t understand the circumstances.
  • Avril Lavigne’s biggest tattoo yet is the writing on her left forearm. It says “La vie en Rose / Vivre le moment present” which is French for “Life through rose-colored glasses / Living the present moment.
  • Avril Lavigne has “FUCK YOU” tattooed on the side of her middle finger on her right hand.
  • Miley Cyrus “Karma” is written on the side of Miley Cyrus’ index finger.
  • Angelina Jolie Inside Angelina Jolie’s left elbow are the words “A prayer for the wild at heart kept in cages,” the subtitle of Tenessee Williams’ 1941 play Stairs to the Roof.
  • Katy Perry’s oldest tattoo is “Jesus” written on her left wrist, which she got when she was 18. Katy comes from a religious family and her parent are both evangelical ministers. She grew up listening to only gospel music and released her own gospel album under her real name Katy Hudson in 2001.
  • Lea Michele On the left side of her rib cage Lea Michele has a tattoo of a cross and the words “My Angel Now” in memory of her grandfather.
  • Megan Fox The tattoo on Megan Fox’s right shoulder blade says “We will all laugh at gilded butterflies” in a medieval gothic font. The quote comes from Shakespeare’s play King Lear, though Megan slightly altered the wording
  • Lindsay Lohan The tattoo on Lindsay Lohan’s left hand says “Live Without Regrets.” Sources told TMZ that she got the tattoo in January 2012 because “she [was] at a great point in her life and she wanted to do something she’d always remember.”
  • Drew Barrymore has “BREATHE” tattooed on her left forearm in a stencil-like font. The tattoo is a reminded to stay calm and level-headed.
  • Lea Michele has a tattoo on the inside of her right wrist which says “I Believe.”
  • Angelina Jolie Just below the nape of her neck, Angelina Jolie has the words “Know Your Rights” inscribed on her upper back.
  • Lea Michele has “Our City / Our Love” tattooed on the outside of her right foot.
  • Miley Cyrus has “Love Never Dies” tattooed on her upper left arm.
  • Hilary Duff has a tattoo on her left forearm that says “Thick as Thieves.”
  • Eva Longoria had a tattoo on the back of her neck which said “nine” in honor of her ex-husband Tony Parker, who is is number 9 on the professional basketball team the San Antonio Spurs. She had this tattoo removed after their divorce.
  • Lindsay Lohan has a pair of quotes from Marilyn Monroe on her forearms. On her left arm is “Stars, all we ask for is our right to twinkle.
  • Lindsay Lohan The tattoo on Lindsay right forearm reads “I restore myself when I’m alone” surrounded by colorful stars. It is a quote from Marilyn Monroe, and matches another quote on her opposite arm.
  • Amy Winehouse had her grandmother Cynthia’s name tattooed on her right arm.
  • Cheryl Cole “Mrs. C” is tattooed on the back of Cheryl Cole’s neck. Her birth name was Cheryl Ann Tweedy, and she became Mrs. C after marrying football player Ashley Cole in 2006. The couple divorced in 2010, but Cheryl continues to use Cole as her last name because the marriage is still a part of her.
  • Amy Winehouse honored her father with the words “Daddy’s Girl” and a colorful horseshoe tattooed on her left arm.
  • Christina Aguilera The tattoo inside Christina Aguilera’s left elbow is in two languages. The red cursive words say “Te Amo Siempre,” which is Spanish for “I love you always.” Two Hebrew letters in the center represent the initials of her ex-husband Jordan Bratman.
  • Rihanna has “Love” written on the side of her left middle finger.
  • Lindsay Lohan has a tattoo on the side of her hand which says “I leave before being left. I decide.” in capital letters. This quote comes from actress Brigitte Bardot and it speaks to the desire to control one’s own destiny.
  • Christina Aguilera On the back of Christina Aguilera’s neck, she has a tattoo of her own nickname “Xtina.”
  • Lindsay Lohan During a night of wild partying in February 2009, Lindsay Lohan and pal Lily Allen got matching “Shhh…” tattoos on their index fingers, a copy of Rihanna’s famous tattoo.
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