Years 1960-1969

Years 1960-1969 Events and photos of Years 1960-1969 ( View the year: 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 )

1960 February 09
Marocco, Agadir, Marocco (1960) - 15.000 deads - magnitudo 5,8
1960 May 22
Cile, Valdivia, sud - magnitudo 9.5, Si ritiene che sia il terremoto più intenso di cui abbiamo riscontri scientifici.- 90.000 deads
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Willard Frank LibbyWillard Frank Libby, per il metodo di utilizzo del carbonio 14 per determinare l'etÓ di appartenenza nell'archeologia, nella geologia, nella geofisica ed in altre branche della scienza
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Frank Macfarlane BurnetFrank Macfarlane Burnet, Search with google:Peter Brian MedawarPeter Brian Medawar
Nobel Prizes Peace: Search with google:Albert John LutuliAlbert John Lutuli
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Donald A. GlaserDonald A. Glaser
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Saint-John PerseSaint-John Perse
WINTER OLYMPICS, Winter Olympics VIII: Search with google:Squaw ValleySquaw Valley, United States
SUMMER OLYMPICS, Summer Olympics XVII: Rome (Italy)
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. St. Louis Hawks (4-3)
Baseball World Series: Pittsburgh Pirates (NL) 4-3 New York Yankees (AL)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Neale Fraser d. R. Laver (6-4 3-6 9-7 7-5)
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Maria Bueno d. S. Reynolds (8-6 6-0)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: Real Madrid CF (Spain)
Jack Lippes develops the contraceptive intrauterine device (IUD)
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) formally constituted
1961 April 12
Moscow announces putting first man in orbit around earth, Major Yuri A. Gagarin
1961 April 17
1,200 US-sponsored anti-Castro exiles invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs; the attackers are all killed or captured by Cuban forces
1961 August 13
East Germany erects the Berlin Wall between East and West Berlin to halt flood of refugees
1961 January 3
US breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba
1961 May 5
First US astronaut, Navy Cmdr. Alan B. Shepard, Jr., rockets 116.5 miles up in 302-mile trip
1961 October 29
USSR detonates 50-megaton hydrogen bomb in the largest man-made explosion in history
Search with google:Dwight EisenhowerDwight Eisenhower (October 14, 1890-March 28, 1969). 34° President , Repubblican
Search with google:John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917-Nov 22, 1963). 35° President , Democratic
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Robert HofstadterRobert Hofstadter, Search with google:Rudolf Ludwig MoessbauerRudolf Ludwig Moessbauer
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Ivo AndricIvo Andric
Nobel Prizes Peace: Search with google:Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl HammarskjoeldDag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjoeld
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Georg Von BekesyGeorg Von Bekesy
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Melvin CalvinMelvin Calvin, per la sua ricerca sull'assimilazione del diossido di carbonio da parte delle piante
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. St. Louis Hawks (4-1)
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Angela Mortimer d. C. Truman (4-6 6-4 7-5)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Rod Laver d. C. McKinley (6-3 6-1 6-4)
Baseball World Series: New York Yankees (AL) 4-1 Cincinnati Reds (NL)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: Benfica (Portugal)
03 July 1962
France transfers sovereignty to new republic of Algeria
1 October 1962
James H. Meredith, escorted by federal marshals, registers at University of Mississippi
11 October 1962
Search with google:Pope John XXIIIPope John XXIII opens Second Vatican Council. Council holds four sessions, finally closing 8 December 1965
14 December 1962
Mariner II, the first interplanetary probe, reaches Venus
William Faulkner wins Pulitzer for The Reivers. Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
The first transatlantic television transmission ccurs via the Telstar Satellite, making worldwide television and cable networks a reality
Burundi, Jamaica, Western Samoa, Uganda, and Trinidad and Tobago become independent
20 February 1962
Lt. Col. Search with google:John H. Glenn, Jr.John H. Glenn, Jr., is first American to orbit Earth—three times in 4 hr 55 min
24 December 1962
Cuba releases 1,113 prisoners of §1961§ invasion attempt
5 August 1962
Marilyn Monroe dies of a drug overdose at age 36
August 1962 to November
Cuban missile crisis USSR to build missile bases in Cuba;Kennedy orders Cuban blockade, lifts blockade after Russians back down
Iran, Qazvin - 12.500 deads - magnitudo 7,1
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Lev Davidovic LandauLev Davidovic Landau
Nobel Prizes Peace: Search with google:Linus Carl PaulingLinus Carl Pauling
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Francis Harry Compton CrickFrancis Harry Compton Crick, Search with google:James Dewey WatsonJames Dewey Watson, Search with google:Maurice Hugh Frederick WilkinsMaurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:John Cowdery KendrewJohn Cowdery Kendrew, Search with google:Max Ferdinand PerutzMax Ferdinand Perutz, per i loro studi sulla struttura delle proteine globulari
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:John SteinbeckJohn Steinbeck
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. Los Angeles Lakers (4-3)
UEFA_Champions_League, Soccer World Cup: Brazil d. Czechoslovakia (3-1) in Chile
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: Benfica (Portugal)
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Karen Susman d. V. Sukova (6-4 6-4)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Rod Laver d. M. Mulligan (6-2 6-2 6-1)
Baseball World Series: New York Yankees (AL) 4-3 San Francisco Giants (NL)
17 June 1963
USA Supreme Court rules no locality may require recitation of Lord's Prayer or Bible verses in public schools
Kenya achieves independence.
Quasars are discovered by Marten Schmidt (US)
The sedative Search with google:ValiumValium (chlordiazepoxide) is developed by Roche labs
21 April 1963
Search with google:Michael E. De BakeyMichael E. De Bakey implants artificial heart in human for first time at Houston hospital; plastic device functions and patient lives for four days
22 January 1963
France and West Germany sign treaty of cooperation ending four centuries of conflict
22 November 1963
President Kennedy shot and killed by sniper in Dallas, Tex. Search with google:Lyndon B. JohnsonLyndon B. Johnson becomes president same day
24 November 1963
Search with google:Lee Harvey OswaldLee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President Kennedy, is shot and killed by Search with google:Jack RubyJack Ruby, Dallas nightclub owner
28 August 1963
Civil rights rally held by 200,000 blacks and whites in Washington DC; Search with google:Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King delivers 'Search with google:I have a dreamI have a dream' speech
3 June 1963
Search with google:Pope John XXIIIPope John XXIII dies. Succeeded June 21 by Search with google:Cardinal MontiniCardinal Montini, who becomes Paul VI.
30 August 1963
Washington-to-Moscow 'hot line' communications link opens, designed to reduce risk of accidental war
June 1963
UK's Search with google:Profumo scandalProfumo scandal
Search with google:John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917-Nov 22, 1963). 35° President , Democratic
Search with google:Lyndon JohnsonLyndon Johnson (Aug 27, 1908-January 22, 1973). 36° President , Democratic
26 July 1963
Iugoslavia, Skopje - 1.100 deads - magnitudo 6
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Maria Goeppert-MayerMaria Goeppert-Mayer, Search with google:J. Hans D. JensenJ. Hans D. Jensen, Search with google:Eugene P. WignerEugene P. Wigner
Nobel Prizes Peace: Search with google:International Committee of the Red CrossInternational Committee of the Red Cross, Search with google:League of Red Cross societiesLeague of Red Cross societies
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:John Carew EcclesJohn Carew Eccles, Search with google:Alan Lloyd HodgkinAlan Lloyd Hodgkin, Search with google:Andrew Fielding HuxleyAndrew Fielding Huxley
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Giulio NattaGiulio Natta, Search with google:Karl ZieglerKarl Ziegler, per le loro scoperte nel campo della chimica e della tecnologia dei polimeri
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Giorgos SeferisGiorgos Seferis
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. Los Angeles Lakers (4-2)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: AC Milan (Italy)
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Margaret Smith d. B.J.Moffitt (6-3 6-4)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Chuck McKinley d. F. Stolle (9-7 6-1 6-4)
Baseball World Series: Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) 4-0 New York Yankees (AL)
1 May 1964
Search with google:John George KemenyJohn George Kemeny and Search with google:Thomas Eugene KurtzThomas Eugene Kurtz ran the first computer program written in $BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)$
11 June 1964
Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment in South Africa
11 June 1964
Search with google:Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment
14 March 1964
Search with google:Jack RubyJack Ruby convicted of murder in slaying of Search with google:Lee Harvey OswaldLee Harvey Oswald
15 March 1964
Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor marry (for the first time) in Montreal
17 April 1964
In the United States, the Ford Mustang is officially unveiled to the public
China detonates its first atomic bomb
President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy issues Warren Report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Color television makes its way into USA homes
2 July 1964
President Search with google:Lyndon JohnsonLyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, abolishing racial segregation in the United States
24 September 1964
The Search with google:Warren Commission ReportWarren Commission Report, the first official investigation of the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy, is published
4 April 1964
The Beatles hold the top 5 positions in the Billboard Top singles in USA: $Can't Buy Me Love$, Search with google:Twist and ShoutTwist and Shout, Search with google:She Loves YouShe Loves You, Search with google:I Want to Hold Your HandI Want to Hold Your Hand, and Search with google:Please Please MePlease Please Me
October 1964
Search with google:KhrushchevKhrushchev is deposed; Search with google:KosyginKosygin becomes premier and Search with google:BrezhnevBrezhnev becomes first secretary of the Communist Party
28 March 1964
Alaska, Prince William Sound - 131 deads - magnitudo 9.2
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Jean-Paul SartreJean-Paul Sartre
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Nikolaj Gennadievic BasovNikolaj Gennadievic Basov, Search with google:Aleksandr Mikhailovich ProkhorovAleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov, Search with google:Charles Hard TownesCharles Hard Townes
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Konrad BlochKonrad Bloch, Search with google:Feodor LynenFeodor Lynen
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Dorothy Crowfoot HodgkinDorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, per la sua determinazione, attraverso l'utilizzo dei raggi X, delle strutture di importanti sostanze biochimiche
Nobel Prizes Peace: Search with google:Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Roy Emerson d. F. Stolle (6-4 12-10 4-6 6-3)
Baseball World Series: St. Louis Cardinals (NL) 4-3 New York Yankees (AL)
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Maria Bueno d. M.Smith (6-4 7-9 6-3)
WINTER OLYMPICS, Winter Olympics IX: Search with google:InnsbruckInnsbruck, Austria
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. SF Warriors (4-1)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: FC Internazionale Milano (Italy)
SUMMER OLYMPICS, Summer Olympics XVIII: Tokyo (Japan)
1 February 1965
Rev. Dr. Search with google:Martin Luther King, Jr.Martin Luther King, Jr., and more than 2,600 others arrested in Selma, Ala., during demonstrations against voter-registration rules
18 March 1965
Soviet cosmonaut Search with google:Aleksei LeonovAleksei Leonov performs the first spacewalk
Search with google:Malcolm XMalcolm X, black-nationalist leader, shot to death at Harlem rally
Search with google:Early BirdEarly Bird, the first commercial communications satellite, is launched
The first USA combat troops arrive in Vietnam. By the end of the year, 190,000 American soldiers are in Vietnam
3 June 1965
Search with google:Edward White IIEdward White II becomes the first American to walk in space
04 February 1965
Alaska, Rat Islands - magnitudo 8.7
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Richard P. FeynmanRichard P. Feynman, Search with google:Julian SchwingerJulian Schwinger, Search with google:Sin-Itiro TomonagaSin-Itiro Tomonaga
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Robert Burns WoodwardRobert Burns Woodward, per i suoi notevoli successi nella sintesi organica
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Fran‡ois JacobFran‡ois Jacob, Search with google:Andre LwoffAndre Lwoff, Search with google:Jacques MonodJacques Monod
Nobel Prizes Peace: $United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund$ (Search with google:UNICEFUNICEF)
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Michail SholokhovMichail Sholokhov
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Margaret Smith d. M.Bueno (6-4 7-5)
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. Los Angeles Lakers (4-1)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Roy Emerson d. F. Stolle (6-2 6-4 6-4)
Baseball World Series: Los Angeles Dodgers (NL) 4-3 Minnesota Twins (AL)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: FC Internazionale Milano (Italy)
Search with google:BotswanaBotswana, Search with google:LesothoLesotho, and Search with google:GuyanaGuyana become independent states within the British Commonwealth
Search with google:SukarnoSukarno leaves office in Indonesia; Suharto assumes power
8 September 1966
The first Star Trek episode 'The Man Trap' is broadcast. The plot concerns a creature that sucks salt from human bodies
08-22 March 1966
China, magnitudo 8.3
Turkey, ORIENTALE - 2.520 deads - magnitudo 6,9
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Robert S. MullikenRobert S. Mulliken, per il suo fondamentale lavoro sull'attrazione chimica e sulla struttura elettronica delle molecole, attraverso lo studio dell'orbita molecolare
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Charles Brenton HugginsCharles Brenton Huggins, Search with google:Francis Peyton RousFrancis Peyton Rous
Nobel Prizes Peace: not assigned
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Agnon e SachsAgnon e Sachs
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Alfred KastlerAlfred Kastler
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Manuel Santana d. D. Ralston (6-4 11-9 6-4)
UEFA_Champions_League, Soccer World Cup: England d. W. Germany (4-2) in England
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Billie Jean King d. M.Bueno (6-3 3-6 6-1)4 11-9 6-4)
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. Los Angeles Lakers (4-3)
Baseball World Series: Baltimore Orioles (AL) 4-0 Los Angeles Dodgers (NL)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: Real Madrid CF (Spain)
17 June 1967
Red China announces explosion of its first hydrogen bomb
23 July 1967
Racial violence in Detroit; 7,000 National Guardsmen aid police after night of rioting. Similar outbreaks occur in New York City's Spanish Harlem, Rochester, N.Y., Birmingham, Ala., and New Britain, Conn
27 January 1967
Three Apollo astronauts—Col. Search with google:Virgil I. GrissomVirgil I. Grissom, Col. Search with google:Edward White IIEdward White II, and Lt. Cmdr. Search with google:Roger B. ChaffeeRoger B. Chaffee killed in spacecraft fire during simulated launch
3 December 1967
Dr. Search with google:Christiaan N. BarnardChristiaan N. Barnard and team of South African surgeons perform world's first successful human heart transplant. Patient dies 18 days later
30 May 1967
Search with google:BiafraBiafra secedes from Nigeria
5 June 1967
Israeli and Arab forces battle; six-day war ends with Israel occupying Search with google:Sinai PeninsulaSinai Peninsula, Search with google:Golan HeightsGolan Heights, Search with google:Gaza StripGaza Strip, and east bank of Search with google:Suez CanalSuez Canal
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Hans Albrecht BetheHans Albrecht Bethe
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Manfred EigenManfred Eigen, Search with google:Ronald George Wreyford NorrishRonald George Wreyford Norrish, Search with google:George PorterGeorge Porter, per i loro studi sulle reazioni fotochimiche veloci, effettuati attraverso la creazione di uno stato di disequilibrio generato da piccoli impulsi di energia
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Ragnar GranitRagnar Granit, Search with google:Haldan Keffer HartlineHaldan Keffer Hartline, Search with google:George WaldGeorge Wald
Nobel Prizes Peace: not assigned
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Miguel Angel AsturiasMiguel Angel Asturias
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Billie Jean King d. A.Jones (6-3 6-4)
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Philadelphia 76ers d. SF Warriors (4-2)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: John Newcombe d. W. Bungert (6-3 6-1 6-1)
Baseball World Series: St. Louis Cardinals (NL) 4-3 Boston Red Sox (AL)
Football I Super Bowl: Green Bay Packers d. Kansas City (35-10)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: Celtic (Scotland)
The Search with google:rock musical Hairrock musical Hair opens on Broadway
2001: A Space Odyssey
20 August 1968
Czechoslovakia is invaded by Russians and Search with google:Warsaw PactWarsaw Pact forces to crush liberal regime
31 March 1968
President Johnson announces he will not seek or accept presidential renomination
4 April 1968
Search with google:Martin Luther King, JrMartin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, is slain in Memphis
5 June 1968
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy is shot and critically wounded in Los Angeles hotel after winning California primary, dies June 6
15 January 1968
Italy, Sicilia occid. - 270 deads
Iran, 12.000 deads - magnitudo 7,4
31 August 1968
Iran, Dasht-e Bayaz - 10.000 deads
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Lars OnsagerLars Onsager, per la scoperta delle reazioni oscillanti che da lui prendono nome, fondamentali per lo studio della termodinamica dei processi di non equilibrio
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Robert W. HolleyRobert W. Holley, Search with google:Har Gobind KhoranaHar Gobind Khorana, Search with google:Marshall W. NirenbergMarshall W. Nirenberg
Nobel Prizes Peace: Search with google:René CassinRené Cassin
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Yasunari KawabataYasunari Kawabata
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Luis W. AlvarezLuis W. Alvarez
Baseball World Series: Detroit Tigers (AL) 4-3 St. Louis Cardinals (NL)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: Manchester United FC (England)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Rod Laver d. T. Roche (6-3 6-4 6-2)
WINTER OLYMPICS, Winter Olympics X: Search with google:GrenobleGrenoble, France
Football II Super Bowl: Green Bay Packers d. Oakland Raiders (33-14)
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston Celtics d. Los Angeles Lakers (4-2)
SUMMER OLYMPICS, Summer Olympics XIX: Mexico City (Mexico)
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Billie Jean King d. J.Tegart (9-7 7-5)
15-17 August 1969
Woodstock Festival
18 July 1969
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy pleads guilty to leaving scene of fatal accident at Chappaquiddick, Mass., in which Mary Jo Kopechne was drowned—gets two-month suspended sentence
27-year-old Colonel Search with google:Muammar al-QaddafiMuammar al-Qaddafi deposes Search with google:King Idris of LibyaKing Idris of Libya and establishes a pro-Arabic, anti-Western, Islamic republic
Internet (ARPA) goes online
1969 January 20
Search with google:Richard M. NixonRichard M. Nixon is inaugurated 37th President of the US
1969 July 20
Apollo 11 astronauts—Neil A. Armstrong and Search with google:Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., take first walk on the Moon
20 January 1969
Richard M. Nixon is inaugurated 37th president of the USA
20 July 1969
Apollo 11 astronauts—Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., and Michael Collins—take man's first walk on moon
28 June 1969
Stonewall riot in New York City marks beginning of gay rights movement
August 1969
half a million people gather near Search with google:WoodstockWoodstock for four days of drugs and rock 'n' roll. Performers include Search with google:Janis JoplinJanis Joplin, Search with google:Jimi HendrixJimi Hendrix, Search with google:The WhoThe Who,Search with google:Joan BaezJoan Baez,Search with google:CrosbyCrosby,Search with google:StillsStills,Search with google:Nash and YoungNash and Young,Search with google:Jefferson Airplane and SlyJefferson Airplane and Sly
Search with google:Lyndon JohnsonLyndon Johnson (Aug 27, 1908-January 22, 1973). 36° President , Democratic
Search with google:Richard NixonRichard Nixon (January 09, 1913 -April 22, 1994). 37° President , Repubblican
Nobel Prizes Physics: Search with google:Murray Gell-MannMurray Gell-Mann
Nobel Prizes Literature: Search with google:Samuel BeckettSamuel Beckett
Nobel Prizes Economy: Search with google:Ragnar FrischRagnar Frisch, Search with google:January TinbergenJanuary Tinbergen
Nobel Prizes Peace: Search with google:International Labour OrganizationInternational Labour Organization
Nobel Prizes Physiology or Medicine: Search with google:Max DelbruckMax Delbruck, Search with google:Alfred D. HersheyAlfred D. Hershey, Search with google:Salvador E. LuriaSalvador E. Luria
Nobel Prizes Chemistry: Search with google:Derek Harold Richard BartonDerek Harold Richard Barton, Search with google:Odd HasselOdd Hassel, per il loro contributo allo sviluppo del concetto di conformazione e l'applicazione nel campo della chimica
NBA, Basketball NBA Championship: Boston d. Los Angeles Lakers (4-3)
Tennis Wimbledon Women: Ann Jones d. B.J.King (3-6 6-3 6-2)6-4)
Tennis Wimbledon Men: Rod Laver d. J. Newcombe (6-4 5-7 6-4 6-4)
Baseball World Series: New York Mets (NL) 4-1 Baltimore Orioles (AL)
Football III Super Bowl: New York Jets d. Baltimore Colts (16-7)
UEFA Champions League, UEFA Champions League: AC Milan (Italy)
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